Our Rewards System
We all like to be told that we are doing well and, at Ordsall Primary School, we have many ways to say 'well done' to our children, so that they are rewarded for all their efforts.
At Ordsall, we concentrate on trying to be 'the best that we can be', and children that strive to do this are acknowledged for their effort through Team Points.
Team Points
When you move into Year 1 at Ordsall Primary School, you are placed into one of our four teams:
During the year, everyone gets the chance to earn Team Points for themselves through the following:
- Being Star of the Week = 3 Team Points
Being on the Wall of Success = 3 Team Points
Reading at home three times during the week = 1 Team Point
Practising your weekly spellings = 1 Team Point
Doing your homework and turning it in on Microsoft Teams or to your child's class teacher = 1 Team Point
Children may also receive Team Points through demonstrating our RESPECT (Resilience, Effort, Support, Passion, Enrichment, Compassion, Teamwork) values in school.
Team Rewards
At the end of each month, the team point totals are added up to find the winning team in each class, the winning teams in Phases 2 and 3, as well as the five highest scoring children in the class.
Each month there are a range of rewards given:
- The highest scoring team in a class will decide together, using democracy, the prize that they would like. This may be some extra playtime, a drink and a biscuit at breaktime, some time on the iPads etc. All members of that team in their class will then get to enjoy that reward.
- The highest scoring team in the phase will receive a point on the scoreboard.
- The five highest scoring children in each class will receive a certificate.
At the end of the year, all the points on the scoreboard are added up and the teams are ranked into 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Each team will receive a reward for their efforts as per the following:
- 1st place: visit to the seaside.
- 2nd place: sport enrichment day
- 3rd place: magic show
- 4th place: movie and popcorn afternoon at school
Individual Rewards
Individual children will then be able to count up the number of certificates they have accumulated across the year, and they too will be able to claim an individual prize.
1-6 certificates: splash party
7-8 certificates: splash party + £10 book voucher
9-10 certificates: splash party + £10 book voucher + meal out