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School Performance and Ofsted


Early Years Foundation Stage

Good Level of Development 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 67.7%

National Average: 67.7%

Phonics Screening Check

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 74%

National Average: 80%

End of Key Stage 2

Pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 54%

National Average: 61%


Pupils meeting expected standard in reading 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 61%

National Average: 74%


Pupils meeting expected standard in writing 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 76%

National Average: 72%


Pupils meeting expected standard in maths 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 70%

National Average: 73%

Pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 6%

National Average: 8%


Pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 17%

National Average: 28%


Pupils achieving at a higher standard in writing 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 7%

National Average: 13%


Pupils achieving at a higher standard in maths 2023-24

Ordsall Primary School: 22%

National Average: 24%

Ofsted Inspection Report 

Please find below our most recent Ofsted report and further information about Ordsall Primary School's performance.