Nursery - Phase 1
Welcome to Nursery
This is our team
Nursery Teacher: Miss Walker
Nursery Key Workers: Miss Walker, Miss Hamilton-Clark, Mrs Jones and Miss Sellars
Here at Ordsall Primary School, our Nursery Class is for children aged 3 and 4 years old. Our Nursery offers both 30hr and 15hr provision. 30hr provision is a full time nursery place with 15hr provision being 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions. Each pupil is assigned a key worker and becomes a member of one of 4 smaller nursery groups led by a key worker.
Both Nursery and Reception make up Phase 1 at Ordsall Primary School.
Let’s Learn!
We love to play and learn in Nursery. We have a wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environment with a balance of child initiated and adult led learning taking place each day.
We love to learn through our play!
Autumn 1
In Autumn 1, we begin by exploring our new classroom and by meeting all of our new friends and teachers. We will enjoy our new learning environments, exploring, playing and learning in the different areas of our classroom and our outdoor space too. We will celebrate ourselves, build friendships and relationships and become part of a school community. We will also spend some time thinking about Autumn, and how the environment around us changes.
Autumn 2
In Autumn 2, we focused on lots of traditional tales, following the interests of the children. We took part in lots of hands-on activities, such as making and tasting our own porridge and gingerbread men! During the second half of Autumn 2, we were very busy getting ready for our Christmas performance, and we read the traditional Christmas story, along with lots of other fun seasonal storybooks.
Spring 1
To begin Spring 1, we will be looking at the changes around us as the season changes to Winter. We will also think about Lunar New Year, and talk about how different people around the world have different celebrations. We will then have a big focus on dinosaurs! The children will make some exciting discoveries in our classroom, and will read lots of dinosaur themed stories, that will help us with our learning in the different areas of our curriculum.
Our Nursery Indoor Learning Environment
Our Nursery Outdoor Learning Environment
Learning in Nursery
If you would like to see what we learn about in Nursery please click on our Long term topic plan OR click on our Contextualised Plans which will give you some more detail.
Other websites that you might useful are:
Thank you for taking the time to find out about our Nursery classes