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Reception - Phase 1


Welcome to Reception Class

This is our team

Hockney Class Teacher and Phase 1 Leader : Miss Pedersen
Renoir Teacher: Mrs Bown and Mrs Palmer
Morris Class Teacher: Miss Moss and Mrs Moss
Our AP’s: Miss Staniforth, Miss Barker and Mrs Rouse

Here at Ordsall Primary School we have three reception classes. Each of our classes is named after an artist. We have Hockney, Renoir and Morris Classes.

Nursery and Reception make up Phase 1 EYFS at Ordsall.

Our reception classes are classes of 4 and 5 year olds in their first year of full-time school here at Ordsall Primary School.

Let’s Learn!

We love to play and learn in Reception. We have a wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environment with a balance of child-initiated and adult-led learning taking place each day. 

We love to learn through our play!

Our Learning Environment   





Autumn 1

In Autumn 1 our learning starts the term by settling in to a new class with new friends, teachers and AP's. We will enjoy our new learning environments, exploring, playing and learning in the different areas of our classroom and our outdoor space too. We will celebrate ourselves, build friendships and relationships and become part of a school community. We will talk together about our families, where we live and the jobs people do in our local community. We will find our place on a map and celebrate the changing of seasons, learning about autumn weather, the changes to our environment and the natural world. 

Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 we continue our theme of 'play' with our learning now centring around celebrations across the world, including Bonfire Night, Diwali, Lunar New Year, Ramadan, Eid, Birthdays, Christmas. We will be celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week and supporting Anti-Bullying Week and Children in Need. This half-term Reception Class we will present this year's nativity 'A Wriggly Nativity' to parents, carers and families, enjoy the winter disco and a Christmas party with classmates. 

Spring 1

During the Spring 1 term we will begin our theme of 'learn'. We will begin by learning about the season of winter, and the other seasons of the year. We will learn about the differences in weather during winter and the changes to the environment while also learning about changing states, focusing on freezing and melting. During the half-term we will be looking at modes of transport and comparing travel in the past to travel today, as well as looking at and learning about places around the world in comparison to the place we live. 

Please visit our photo gallery.